Montréal Portes et Fenêtres your doors and windows specialist
Montréal Portes et Fenêtres counts thousands of installations of all types and sizes to its credit: entrance doors, exterior doors, patio doors, bay windows, double-hung windows, sliding, tilt-and-turn, windows made of wood, PVC, aluminum and hybrid. Ever since our inception in 2003 reliability and client satisfaction have been the driving force of our company. Continuously sharpening and honing our skills we are one of the most reliable and trustworthy doors and windows installers in the business. We are a distinguished Certified APCHQ Member (Association des profesionnels de la construction et de lʼhabitation du Québec) and holder of a license from the RBQ ( Régie du bâtiment du Québec), we are indeed your go-to hassle-free installer.
Our company maintains a workforce of 20 to 35 employees depending of the season and workload. Governed by a high code of ethics our work is carried out flawlessly within the agreed upon deadlines to the full satisfaction of our clients. Our team of seasoned professionals will ensure that your windows and doors are installed with the utmost care and precision bringing you peace of mind and secure home comfort.
Montréal Portes et Fenêtres proud distributor of Andersen Windows and Doors

Founded in 1903, Andersen Corporation is an international, privately-owned, manufacturing company with headquarters in Bayport, Minnesota. Andersen Windows and Doors is the largest manufacturer of doors and windows in North America, employing approximately 10,000 people at more than 30 manufacturing sites, logistics centers and retail stores owned by the company. Since its beginning, Andersenʼs raison-dʼêtre has been to make windows and doors that are different and better, as a result it has led in pioneering new products and setting higher standards for the entire home building industry, ultimately becoming America’s leading windows manufacturer.